Pengumuman Pemenang Kontes Seo Surewi-Wardrobe - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Pengumuman Pemenang Kontes Seo Surewi-Wardrobe - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Pengumuman Pemenang Kontes Seo Surewi-Wardrobe

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 08:56 PM PST

Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh,
Semoga Alloh memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita semua hari ini,
dan semoga Alloh memberikan keberuntungan seperti saudara-saudara pemenang kontes di bawah ini.

InsyaAlloh, saya telah berusaha melakukan penilaian dengan baik dan seadil-adilnya. Semua kebaikan dan ketepatan itu milik Alloh, dan jika ada kekurangan selama penyelenggaraan kontes itu adalah khilaf saya sebagai manusia biasa. Saya pribadi, bersama kang Suradi Suroto dari Surewi-Wardobe, mengucapkan terima kasih atas banyaknya kontestan yang tertarik, ikut dan kemudian berjuang untuk kontes ini. Kami juga meminta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya jika selama penyelenggaraan kontes Anda merasakan bumbu kecewa dari mulai keterlambatan membalas email hingga memasukan list. Terakhir, kami ucapkan selamat kepada para pemenang.

Berikut beberapa poin berkaitan pengumuman kontes:
- Keputusan tidak bisa diganggu gugat karena kami telah berusaha dengan semaksimal mungkin dan seadil mungkin menentukan pemenang.
- Sesuai poin 11 pada artikel pengumuman Kontes,
11. Penjurian dilakukan di pada tanggal 30 Desember 2012 pukul 00:00 wib.
Saya memantau kontes mulai sore hari pukul 18.00 hingga 23.15 dan Google mengalami beberapa kali perubahan hasil dalam rentang waktu itu. Saya juga telah menghapus cookies dan semua ingatan Browser, termasuk logout dari akun gmail selama proses pencarian keyword. Hal ini agar hasil benar-benar baru dan global. Google berubah dengan cepat, beberapa blog saling salip dalam rentang 5 jaman itu, sehingga saya memutuskan untuk benar-benar melakukan penjurian keyword tepat pukul 00.00 tanggal 30 Desember 2012.

Selain itu saya juga mencoba melakukan serach keyword dari berbagai media, mulai handphone sederhana, android, hingga mencoba beberapa browser. Ternyata ditemukan hasil yang berbeda untuk mobile phone dan hasil dengan browser di computer. Karena penjurian menggunakan maka diputuskan hasilnya diambil murni dari browser PC/komputer/laptop untuk menghindari effect direct ke mode mobile. Saya gunakan beberapa browser sekaligus seperti Opera, Firefox dan IE, alhamdulillah hasilnya sama.
-  Sesuai poin 3 pengumuman kontes, tentang keyword:
3. Web boleh menggunakan blog gratisan blogspot, wordpress maupun blog lainnya dan nama domain web / blog tidak boleh menggunakan unsur kata yang ada pada kata kunci "Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi".
Pengetikan keyword pada Google dengan format Penulisan Judul Resmi EYD. Huruf S, K, K, M dan S pada masing-masing awal kata menggunakan huruf kapital, sedangkan huruf d pada awal kata sambung "di" tetap menggunakan huruf kecil. Hasil akan berbeda jika Anda mencari menggunakan huruf kapital semua, atau huruf kecil semua.

Berikut kami umumkan teman-teman yang beruntung memenangkan kontes Surewi-Wardrobe berdurasi 3 bulan ini:

Juara 1, berhak mendapatkan uang tunai, Rp 2.000.000,00 + 1 pcs kaos kontes
- Nomor masuk list: 2
- Nama Admin: Pipih Siti Apipah
- Nama Blog: Diary Apipah
- Banner: OK, Link Surewi: OK, Usia Blog: Otomatis karena telah memiliki lebih dari 30 artikel.
URL/Title Blog: OK
- Postingan: (419 kata) (439 kata)

Juara 2, berhak mendapatkan uang tunai, Rp 1.500.000,00 + 1 pcs kaos kontes
- Nomor masuk list: 80
- Nama Admin: Muhammad Khoirul
- Nama Blog: Yurosie Blog
- Banner: OK, Link Surewi: OK, Usia Blog: Otomatis karena telah memiliki lebih dari 30 artikel.
URL/Title Blog: OK
- Postingan: (603 kata) (484 kata)

Juara 3, berhak mendapatkan uang tunai, Rp 1.000.000,00 + 1 pcs kaos kontes
- Nomor masuk list: 79
- Nama Admin: Aris Nubawani
- Nama Blog: ARISNB
- Banner: OK, Link Surewi: OK, Usia Blog: Otomatis karena telah memiliki lebih dari 30 artikel.
URL/Title Blog: OK
- Postingan: (>700 kata) (>420 kata)

Juara 4, berhak mendapatkan uang tunai, Rp 500.000,00 + 1 pcs kaos kontes
- Nomor masuk list: 12
- Nama Admin: Zaenal Abidin
- Nama Blog: Zaenal Abis Blog's (Judul Blog ZAE pada Title Tag)
- Banner: OK, Link Surewi: OK, Usia Blog: Otomatis karena telah memiliki lebih dari 30 artikel.
URL/Title Blog: OK
- Postingan: (350 kata) (485 kata)

*artikel pemenang tidak mencapai 400 kata, namun karena artikel yang satunya memenuhi maka kami tolerir.
Banyak peserta yang membuat lebih dari 2 artikel untuk kontes ini, sedangkan mereka tidak tahu artikel mana yang nangkring paling atas di Google. Banyak yang nangkring justru artikel yang memiliki kurang dari 400 kata, terkesan melanggar tapi sebenarnya mereka sudah membuat artikel lain yang melebihi 400 kata. Hal seperti ini kami tolerir.

Juara 5, berhak mendapatkan uang tunai, Rp 500.000,00 + 1 pcs kaos kontes
- Nomor masuk list: 82
- Nama Admin: Panji Asmoro
- Nama Blog: Mitra Bisnis
- Banner: OK, Link Surewi: OK, Usia Blog: Otomatis karena telah memiliki lebih dari 30 artikel.
URL/Title Blog: OK
- Postingan: (>900 kata) (>900 kata)

Juara 6-10, berhak mendapatkan uang tunai, Rp 100.000,00 + 2 pcs kaos kontes
- Nomor masuk list: 58
- Nama Admin: Rizky Valen
- Nama Blog: Gembelz Gadget (

- Nomor masuk list: 70
- Nama Admin: Muhammad Suteja
- Nama Blog: Hidden Technology Community (

- Nomor masuk list: 28
- Nama Admin: Bayu
- Nama Blog: Review Indonesia (

- Nomor masuk list: 62
- Nama Admin: Andre Riyanto
- Nama Blog: Lentera Kecil (

- Nomor masuk list: 68
- Nama Admin: Irwan Gunawan
- Nama Blog: Berita Remaja Indonesia (


InsyaAlloh, kami telah berusaha seadil-adilnya. Selamat kepada para pemenang, kepada yang lain jangan patah semangat. Kita berjumpa di kontes lain, di waktu mendatang.

*LautanIndonesia.Com tidak memenuhi kriteria kami,
*Syahroman, tidak memenuhi minimum kata setiap artikelnya, dan ketika di konfirmasi untuk pemberitahuan sulit dihubungi.

Kami Sertakan Informasi untuk Pemenang Mingguan:
Minggu #1: Putro Anoegrah - List No 10
Minggu #2: Amran - List No 17
Minggu #3: Dhini - List No 21
Minggu #4: Galih Adi Putra - List No 38
Minggu #5: Puji Setiyawan - List No 39
Minggu #6: Julio Jibril - List No 18
Minggu #7: Dadan Ramadhan - List No 43
Minggu #8: Sya Archangel - List No 48
Minggu #9: Radio Streaming - List No 56
Minggu #10: WiwidSEO - List No 57

Seluruh Hadiah dipersembahkan oleh
penyedia Seragam Kantor Terpercaya

Bagi pemenang mingguan yang belum mendapatkan haknya, harap menghubungi saya lewat facebook, Pemberian hadiah pemenang maksimal 2 Minggu setelah pengumuman, maaf karena molor dari jadwal semula 1 minggu setelah pengumuman. Dijamin kami akan memberikan hadiahnya.

Mari bareng-bareng, Alhamdulillaaah...

Item Title: Pengumuman Pemenang Kontes Seo Surewi-Wardrobe



Pendaftaran KONTES SEO SUREWI Ditutup

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 03:34 AM PST

Tidak terasa 3 bulan sudah Kontes SEO SUREWI berjalan. Esok hari, tanggal 30 Desember 2012 Kontes Usai. Tanggal tersebut, pada pukul 00.00 WIB ditentukan sebagai waktu penjurian. Bagi Anda yang mengikuti kontes ini, silahkan perhatikan beberapa poin di bawah ini:

- Pendaftaran telah ditutup saat ini.
- Segala bentuk pelanggaran dan kecurangan akan terus kami awasi hingga batas penilaian.
- Segala kekurangan persyaratan mohon segera dilengkapi hingga batas penilaian.
- List peserta silahkan di cek di, list akan terus di update hingga pukul 22.00 nanti malam.

- Bagi yang belum masuk list silahkan komentar di artikel tersebut.
- Pemenang diumumkan saat Tahun Baru.

Item Info: Kontes SEO Ditutup
Permohonan Maaf - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Permohonan Maaf - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Permohonan Maaf - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Permohonan Maaf

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 06:45 PM PST

Beberapa saat yang lalu saya berjanji akan bagi-bagi template terbaru saya, yang saya gunakan beberapa minggu ini (baca: Oktober, Tampilan Baru). Mohon maaf sekali saat saya memberikan arahan tentang blogging ke salah satu SMA Negeri di daerah saya, saya justru salah menggunakan blog utama ini sebagai percobaan. Karena kecerobohan itu template tersebut hilang. Ssaya cari ternyata saya belum back-up sama sekali.

Untuk para pendaftar kontes, semuanya akan saya terima. Jika belum terlihat di list tetaplah optimasi. Insya Alloh dalam 2 hari kedepan saya telah merampungkan pembenahan template dan bisa berkonsentrasi lagi mengawal kontes. Terima kasih Pengertiannya.
Pemenang #6 dan #7 Hadiah Mingguan Kontes Surewi - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Pemenang #6 dan #7 Hadiah Mingguan Kontes Surewi - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Pemenang #6 dan #7 Hadiah Mingguan Kontes Surewi - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Pemenang #6 dan #7 Hadiah Mingguan Kontes Surewi

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 01:06 AM PST

Maaf atas keterlambatan karena gangguan koneksi di desa saya. Ditambah sedang sangat sibuk mengurusi Porseni Ma'arif. Sekali lagi maaf, baru berhasil update list peserta kontes juga karena banyaknya pendaftar yang iseng mendaftarkan blog tanpa konten kontes. Nah, langsung saja berikut pemenang mingguan ke 6 dan ke 7 Kontes Surewi.

Minggu 6 :
Minggu 7 :

Semoga tidak ada halangan lagi untuk pengumuman pemenang yang akan datang. Masing-masing berhak atas uang 50.000 rupiah

Info: Pemenang ke 6 dan ke 7 Kontes Surewi
12:07 PM
Mental Health Maintenance Is Made Simple

Mental Health Maintenance Is Made Simple

Your mental health is often drastically improved when you use the techniques Dr. Kuhn teaches in this article. When you are able to experience this improvement, your relationships blossom, career paths open, and people find you attractive and accessible. You deserve to have fun and joy in your life - and Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will help you do that.

In the classic Frank Capra film, It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey's mental health is overwhelmed by the difficulties of his life and he wishes he'd never been born. George's guardian angel grants his wish and takes him to a grim reality as it would've been without him. George feels nothing when he reaches into his coat pocket to retrieve the flower his daughter, Zuzu, placed there - and that's when George knows that his wish has come true...he's never been born.

Wishing she had never been born, Roberta became my patient, seeking desperately to improve her mental health. Like the fictional George Bailey character, Roberta's depression and anxiety had grown so strong as to threaten her ability to lead any semblance of a normal life. Fortunately for Roberta, she soon discovered exactly why the natural medicine of humor is one of the most powerful adjunctive treatments for improving mental health, because humor literally pours water on the fire of depression and anxiety.

Roberta is not alone. As many as 35% of all Americans suffer from depression and anxiety, the twins that make mental health elusive for millions. Your depression and anxiety is exacerbated by your seriousness - taking yourself too seriously. As we move into adulthood, we unfortunately buy into the notion that responsible and productive people must be "serious." As we make the biggest mistake of our lives and relegate our humor nature and fun to recreational activities (if we experience fun at all), we doom ourselves to all the symptoms of the corresponding seriousness that fills the void - declining health, rising stress, increased pain, lessened energy, impaired creativity, and more.

The good news for your mental health, however, is that we know how to shrink your deadly seriousness to practically nothing and reduce almost completely the sway it holds over your health, vitality, wellness, and zest. The natural medicine of humor is an incredibly powerful resource that you already possess; you've only forgotten how to use it to maximum effectiveness. You will soon discover that, while not a panacea, the natural medicine of humor is a tremendous tonic for depression or anxiety and will also supercharge other treatments because it is an amazing adjunctive medicine too!

I have distilled the natural medicine of humor, through my years of medical practice, into an amazing prescription I call The Fun Factor. Based on what I learned over twenty years ago from a terminally ill fifteen-year-old patient, I created a unique set of principles I call the Fun Commandments, then forged these Commandments into my Fun Factor prescription and have been prescribing The Fun Factor with great success for years. This report will show you how to use just three of my Fun Commandments to turn your mental health around, and gain new joy, pleasure, and appreciation from your life!

Improve Your Mental Health Using My Fun Factor Prescription

Step One: Always Go the Extra Smile

The first Fun Commandment I recommend for improved mental health is: Always Go the Extra Smile. This Commandment is doubly helpfully for depression and anxiety because not only does it provide measurable emotional and physical relief, but it also is completely under your control - regardless of your circumstances. Because smiling remains totally under your control, it can be your greatest resource for using humor's natural medicine to accelerate your mental health.

Smiling produces measurable physical benefits you can experience immediately: your stress decreases, your immunity improves, your pain and frustration tolerances increase, and your creativity soars. And guess what? You experience all these benefits even if your smile is "fake." That's right...forcing a smile onto your face perks up your immune system and lightens your mood just as readily as a genuine smile. Fake a smile and you'll soon feel well enough to wear a real one!

This is great news for your proactive stance on sustainable mental health. You have an amazing amount of pre-emptive control over your mood - you can, literally, choose more energy and happiness. The key for your use of this Fun Commandment in enhancing your mental health is to start practicing right now, so that smiling becomes an entrenched, habitual method of accessing the natural medicine of humor. If you wait to smile until your mental health has taken a turn for the worse, and depression or anxiety has taken hold of you, it will not be as effective.

Step Two: Act and Interact

Smiling leads us right into the second Fun Commandment you'll find instrumental in maintaining your mental health: Act and Interact. Humor's natural medicine works best when we are sharing ourselves and this Commandment will teach you how to capitalize on the control you've taken over your physiology and mood by smiling. Acting and interacting is now easier for you to do because you're smiling more. Not only is your mood improved, but your smile is also a pleasant invitation to other people.

My suggestion is that you solidify the power of this Commandment by setting a reasonable goal regarding the number of people you will interact with each day. These social interactions are great for your mental health, forcing you to exchange information and ideas with another person. Combined with your commitment to smiling, your interactions should be pleasant, because your heightened energy, lessened pain, and lowered stress levels are very attractive to others.

Beyond keeping you out of isolation, there is another reason why acting and interacting with the people you encounter fosters improved mental health. It allows you to avoid spiritual "flat tires." Spiritual flat tires occur when you sidestep, or avoid, an interaction that is about to happen naturally - you duck into an office to avoid encountering someone in a hallway or you don't answer the phone because you don't want to talk to the person calling. This type of avoidance drains and deletes your reservoir of powerful natural energy and siphons your mental health reserves.

Have you ever noticed that it usually takes you twice as much mental and physical energy to avoid doing a job than you would have expended just doing it? It also takes twice the energy to avoid acting and interacting with the people who cross your path because you are, in effect, saying, "I'm going to correct the mistake that nature made by putting this person in my path and I'm going to correct it by being mentally and spiritually negligent." Mental and spiritual negligence have the same effect as physical negligence (isn't it strange how you get tired if you don't exercise?). If your mental health can afford to allow this much energy to be drained, then you have a much bigger reservoir than I!

But spiritual flat tires do more than drain our energy, they are detrimental in at least two additional ways:

We miss out on an interaction with a teacher. If nature didn't have a lesson for you, that person you just avoided would not have been placed in your path. You say that the person you just avoided was a negative influence or would've wasted your time? I know we have legitimate schedules to keep, but if I am avoiding people based on my prejudgment of them, I'm cutting myself off from my greatest teachers - those very same people. We all learn tolerance from the intolerant, patience from the impatient, temperance from the intemperate, gentleness from the ruffian, etc. I am supremely grateful for those teachers and the lessons they give me.

We create a small, nagging spiritual void of dishonesty, the kind of dishonesty that keeps us from laying our heads down with complete peace of mind each night. Our spiritual flat tire is caused by the pothole our avoidance created; it is a natural consequence, or symptom, of our spiritual dishonesty. These consequences clutter our lives with mental and emotional baggage that further drains us of our energy and vitality.

Step Three: Celebrate Everything

The third Fun Commandment which will help you use the natural medicine of humor to charge up your mental health is: Celebrate Everything. Celebrating everything may sound like a monumental task to someone who's mental health isn't up to par, but you will find this part of my doctor's orders much easier to fulfill once you start practicing my first two Commandments. In fact, celebrating everything is more than a maintenance step providing sustainable mental health. It will also become your lifestyle, the more you practice it, because you will enjoy the results so much.

How do you celebrate everything and how will this keep your mental health on the upswing? The epitome of this Commandment is found in the old joke about the boy who wanted a pony for his birthday. Instead, he found a room full of manure waiting for him. But he dove right into the dung, gleefully exclaiming, "With all this manure, there's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"

Laugh as we might, we're quick to remember that, as adults, we would never allow ourselves such "naive" enthusiasm. Why not? Do you realize what is behind such a "grown up," "mature" decision? Your deadly seriousness (taking yourself too seriously) encourages the attitude that a mature adult should not let herself be so optimistic and thus mental health is jeopardized.

We could do more than chuckle at this birthday boy's unabashed optimism - we should emulate it! When was the last time you encountered an unexpected pile of manure in your life? You had absolutely no control over the mess, right? But you had absolute control over your reaction to it and this is the key to using celebration to keep your mental health improved!

When you celebrate everything, the natural medicine of humor creates spiritual, emotional, and mental health like nothing you've felt before. You will find that your fears become much less controlling when you are celebrating everything because it no longer matters so much how things turn out. In fact, you are literally ready for anything because you are prepared to find the blessing in whatever happens.

My daughter-in-law, for example, broke her back last year. My son, who is often my model for the embodiment of my Fun Commandments, can tick off a laundry list of blessings his family has received as a direct result of his wife's "tragedy." Not that his mental health hasn't been challenged, but faced with the choice of depression and anxiety over an event he couldn't control versus finding the blessings waiting for him, he has chosen the latter.

The choice to celebrate everything is not a panacea; my son's choice did not change the reality of his wife's injury. What did change, however, was his ability to respond to the injury and, thus, keep his mental health on an even keel. Celebrating everything changes our lives because it allows us to positively control the only things we have control over - our actions, ideas, and attitudes.

There you have it. Start by going the extra smile, use your newfound smiling energy and vitality to act and interact with people, and celebrate everything to maintain your positive momentum. Say good-bye to imprisonment from depression and anxiety and welcome to your new world of improved mental health! Start Using The Fun Factor to Improve Your Mental Health...Right Now

Here are some simple, easy steps you can take right now to turbo-charge your mental health.

Subscribe to my Fun Times newsletter. The Fun Times is all about using your natural power of humor to increase the quality of your life - including your mental health. The Fun Times is 100% free, and is delivered instantly, every week, to your email inbox. If you sign up now, I'll also throw in a copy of my "Stop Your Seriousness" Ecourse and my book, Ten Ways You Can Be Happier...Right Now! which will show you how you can use my Fun Factor prescription in your life to increase your mental health!

Check out The Fun Factor. This prescription has changed so many lives for the better - it would be a shame if you passed it up. Check it out here if you're sick of wishing for mental health and want to finally achieve your greatest mental health! My patient Roberta, by the way, learned to use these three Fun Commandments - and the rest of my Fun Factor prescription. She has enjoyed the same job for three years now and was recently engaged to be married. Roberta occasionally has setbacks, as most people suffering from depression or anxiety do. But, her mental health has never been stronger as she continues to apply The Fun Factor to her life.

In It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey is so shocked by the grim vision of a world without him that he decides he wants to live again and begs to return. He knows he is back when he finds Zuzu's flower petals in his coat pocket again.

Let this article be like finding Zuzu's petals. Move forward today with a new, positive outlook on your improved mental health by using my Fun Factor prescription.

Pemenang Mingguan #3, #4, dan #5 Kontes Surewi - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Pemenang Mingguan #3, #4, dan #5 Kontes Surewi - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Pemenang Mingguan #3, #4, dan #5 Kontes Surewi - THEMASDOYOK.COM

Pemenang Mingguan #3, #4, dan #5 Kontes Surewi

Posted: 05 Nov 2012 02:10 PM PST

Pemenang Mingguan #3, #4, dan #5 Kontes Surewi - Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan keterlambatan pengumuman kontes. Mulanya pada minggu ketiga kami telah memiliki pemenang namun begitu sulit dihubungi dan akhirnya belum kami posting. Kali ini akan kami umumkan terlebih dahulu pemenangnya, dan jika sulit dihubungi dalam waktu seminggu kedepan akan otomatis hangus.

Pemenang untuk minggu ke 3 adalah:

Pemenang Minggu ke 4 adalah:

dan Pemenang untuk minggu ke 5 adalah:

Nah, para pemenang telah kami hubungi untuk mendapatkan haknya. Semoga Anda selanjutnya... Semua info tentang kontes Anda dapatkan di: Halaman khusus kontes SEO Surewi

Item Info: Pemenang #3 #4 #5 Surewi Kontes
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