10:24 AM
Rebuilding the Tower of Babel - A CEO's Perspective on Health Information Exchanges

Rebuilding the Tower of Babel - A CEO's Perspective on Health Information Exchanges

Defining a Health Information Exchange

The United States is facing the largest shortage of healthcare practitioners in our country's history which is compounded by an ever increasing geriatric population. In 2005 there existed one geriatrician for every 5,000 US residents over 65 and only nine of the 145 medical schools trained geriatricians. By 2020 the industry is estimated to be short 200,000 physicians and over a million nurses. Never, in the history of US healthcare, has so much been demanded with so few personnel. Because of this shortage combined with the geriatric population increase, the medical community has to find a way to provide timely, accurate information to those who need it in a uniform fashion. Imagine if flight controllers spoke the native language of their country instead of the current international flight language, English. This example captures the urgency and critical nature of our need for standardized communication in healthcare. A healthy information exchange can help improve safety, reduce length of hospital stays, cut down on medication errors, reduce redundancies in lab testing or procedures and make the health system faster, leaner and more productive. The aging US population along with those impacted by chronic disease like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and asthma will need to see more specialists who will have to find a way to communicate with primary care providers effectively and efficiently.

This efficiency can only be attained by standardizing the manner in which the communication takes place. Healthbridge, a Cincinnati based HIE and one of the largest community based networks, was able to reduce their potential disease outbreaks from 5 to 8 days down to 48 hours with a regional health information exchange. Regarding standardization, one author noted, "Interoperability without standards is like language without grammar. In both cases communication can be achieved but the process is cumbersome and often ineffective."

United States retailers transitioned over twenty years ago in order to automate inventory, sales, accounting controls which all improve efficiency and effectiveness. While uncomfortable to think of patients as inventory, perhaps this has been part of the reason for the lack of transition in the primary care setting to automation of patient records and data. Imagine a Mom & Pop hardware store on any square in mid America packed with inventory on shelves, ordering duplicate widgets based on lack of information regarding current inventory. Visualize any Home Depot or Lowes and you get a glimpse of how automation has changed the retail sector in terms of scalability and efficiency. Perhaps the "art of medicine" is a barrier to more productive, efficient and smarter medicine. Standards in information exchange have existed since 1989, but recent interfaces have evolved more rapidly thanks to increases in standardization of regional and state health information exchanges.

History of Health Information Exchanges

Major urban centers in Canada and Australia were the first to successfully implement HIE's. The success of these early networks was linked to an integration with primary care EHR systems already in place. Health Level 7 (HL7) represents the first health language standardization system in the United States, beginning with a meeting at the University of Pennsylvania in 1987. HL7 has been successful in replacing antiquated interactions like faxing, mail and direct provider communication, which often represent duplication and inefficiency. Process interoperability increases human understanding across networks health systems to integrate and communicate. Standardization will ultimately impact how effective that communication functions in the same way that grammar standards foster better communication. The United States National Health Information Network (NHIN) sets the standards that foster this delivery of communication between health networks. HL7 is now on it's third version which was published in 2004. The goals of HL7 are to increase interoperability, develop coherent standards, educate the industry on standardization and collaborate with other sanctioning bodies like ANSI and ISO who are also concerned with process improvement.

In the United States one of the earliest HIE's started in Portland Maine. HealthInfoNet is a public-private partnership and is believed to be the largest statewide HIE. The goals of the network are to improve patient safety, enhance the quality of clinical care, increase efficiency, reduce service duplication, identify public threats more quickly and expand patient record access. The four founding groups the Maine Health Access Foundation, Maine CDC, The Maine Quality Forum and Maine Health Information Center (Onpoint Health Data) began their efforts in 2004.

In Tennessee Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIO's) initiated in Memphis and the Tri Cities region. Carespark, a 501(3)c, in the Tri Cities region was considered a direct project where clinicians interact directly with each other using Carespark's HL7 compliant system as an intermediary to translate the data bi-directionally. Veterans Affairs (VA) clinics also played a crucial role in the early stages of building this network. In the delta the midsouth eHealth Alliance is a RHIO connecting Memphis hospitals like Baptist Memorial (5 sites), Methodist Systems, Lebonheur Healthcare, Memphis Children's Clinic, St. Francis Health System, St Jude, The Regional Medical Center and UT Medical. These regional networks allow practitioners to share medical records, lab values medicines and other reports in a more efficient manner.

Seventeen US communities have been designated as Beacon Communities across the United States based on their development of HIE's. These communities' health focus varies based on the patient population and prevalence of chronic disease states i.e. cvd, diabetes, asthma. The communities focus on specific and measurable improvements in quality, safety and efficiency due to health information exchange improvements. The closest geographical Beacon community to Tennessee, in Byhalia, Mississippi, just south of Memphis, was granted a $100,000 grant by the department of Health and Human Services in September 2011.

A healthcare model for Nashville to emulate is located in Indianapolis, IN based on geographic proximity, city size and population demographics. Four Beacon awards have been granted to communities in and around Indianapolis, Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, Indiana Health Centers Inc, Raphael Health Center and Shalom Health Care Center Inc. In addition, Indiana Health Information Technology Inc has received over 23 million dollars in grants through the State HIE Cooperative Agreement and 2011 HIE Challenge Grant Supplement programs through the federal government. These awards were based on the following criteria:1) Achieving health goals through health information exchange 2) Improving long term and post acute care transitions 3) Consumer mediated information exchange 4) Enabling enhanced query for patient care 5) Fostering distributed population-level analytics.

Regulatory Aspects of Health Information Exchanges and Healthcare Reform

The department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the regulatory agency that oversees health concerns for all Americans. The HHS is divided into ten regions and Tennessee is part of Region IV headquartered out of Atlanta. The Regional Director, Anton J. Gunn is the first African American elected to serve as regional director and brings a wealth of experience to his role based on his public service specifically regarding underserved healthcare patients and health information exchanges. This experience will serve him well as he encounters societal and demographic challenges for underserved and chronically ill patients throughout the southeast area.

The National Health Information Network (NHIN) is a division of HHS that guides the standards of exchange and governs regulatory aspects of health reform. The NHIN collaboration includes departments like the Center for Disease Control (CDC), social security administration, Beacon communities and state HIE's (ONC).11 The Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Exchange (ONC) has awarded $16 million in additional grants to encourage innovation at the state level. Innovation at the state level will ultimately lead to better patient care through reductions in replicated tests, bridges to care programs for chronic patients leading to continuity and finally timely public health alerts through agencies like the CDC based on this information.12 The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act is funded by dollars from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009. HITECH's goals are to invest dollars in community, regional and state health information exchanges to build effective networks which are connected nationally. Beacon communities and the Statewide Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement were initiated through HITECH and ARRA. To date 56 states have received grant awards through these programs totaling 548 million dollars.

History of Health Information Partnership TN (HIPTN)

In Tennessee the Health Information Exchange has been slower to progress than places like Maine and Indiana based in part on the diversity of our state. The delta has a vastly different patient population and health network than that of middle Tennessee, which differs from eastern Tennessee's Appalachian region. In August of 2009 the first steps were taken to build a statewide HIE consisting of a non-profit named HIP TN. A board was established at this time with an operations council formed in December. HIP TN's first initiatives involved connecting the work through Carespark in northeast Tennessee's s tri-cities region to the Midsouth ehealth Alliance in Memphis. State officials estimated a cost of over 200 million dollars from 2010-2015. The venture involves stakeholders from medical, technical, legal and business backgrounds. The governor in 2010, Phil Bredesen, provided 15 million to match federal funds in addition to issuing an Executive Order establishing the office of eHealth initiatives with oversight by the Office of Administration and Finance and sixteen board members. By March 2010 four workgroups were established to focus on areas like technology, clinical, privacy and security and sustainability.

By May of 2010 data sharing agreements were in place and a production pilot for the statewide HIE was initiated in June 2011 along with a Request for Proposal (RFP) which was sent out to over forty vendors. In July 2010 a fifth workgroup,the consumer advisory group, was added and in September 2010 Tennessee was notified that they were one of the first states to have their plans approved after a release of Program Information Notice (PIN). Over fifty stakeholders came together to evaluate the vendor demonstrations and a contract was signed with the chosen vendor Axolotl on September 30th, 2010. At that time a production goal of July 15th, 2011 was agreed upon and in January 2011 Keith Cox was hired as HIP TN's CEO. Keith brings twenty six years of tenure in healthcare IT to the collaborative. His previous endeavors include Microsoft, Bellsouth and several entrepreneurial efforts. HIP TN's mission is to improve access to health information through a statewide collaborative process and provide the infrastructure for security in that exchange. The vision for HIP TN is to be recognized as a state and national leader who support measurable improvements in clinical quality and efficiency to patients, providers and payors with secure HIE. Robert S. Gordon, the board chair for HIPTN states the vision well, "We share the view that while technology is a critical tool, the primary focus is not technology itself, but improving health". HIP TN is a non profit, 501(c)3, that is solely reliant on state government funding. It is a combination of centralized and decentralized architecture. The key vendors are Axolotl, which acts as the umbrella network, ICA for Memphis and Nashville, with CGI as the vendor in northeast Tennessee.15 Future HIP TN goals include a gateway to the National Health Institute planned for late 2011 and a clinician index in early 2012. Carespark, one of the original regional health exchange networks voted to cease operations on July 11, 2011 based on lack of financial support for it's new infrastructure. The data sharing agreements included 38 health organizations, nine communities and 250 volunteers.16 Carespark's closure clarifies the need to build a network that is not solely reliant on public grants to fund it's efforts, which we will discuss in the final section of this paper.

Current Status of Healthcare Information Exchange and HIPTN

Ten grants were awarded in 2011 by the HIE challenge grant supplement. These included initiatives in eight states and serve as communities we can look to for guidance as HIP TN evolves. As previously mentioned one of the most awarded communities lies less than five hours away in Indianapolis, IN. Based on the similarities in our health communities, patient populations and demographics, Indianapolis would provide an excellent mentor for Nashville and the hospital systems who serve patients in TN. The Indiana Health Information Exchange has been recognized nationally for it's Docs for Docs program and the manner in which collaboration has taken place since it's conception in 2004. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of HHS commented, "The Central Indiana Beacon Community has a level of collaboration and the ability to organize quality efforts in an effective manner from its history of building long standing relationships. We are thrilled to be working with a community that is far ahead in the use of health information to bring positive change to patient care." Beacon communities that could act as guides for our community include the Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County and the Indiana Health Centers based on their recent awards of $100,000 each by HHS.

A local model of excellence in practice EMR conversion is Old Harding Pediatric Associates (OHPA) which has two clinics and fourteen physicians who handle a patient population of 23,000 and over 72,000 patient encounters per year. OHPA's conversion to electronic records in early 2000 occurred as a result of the pursuit of excellence in patient care and the desire to use technology in a way that benefitted their patient population. OHPA established a cross functional work team to improve their practices in the areas of facilities, personnel, communication, technology and external influences. Noteworthy was chosen as the EMR vendor based on user friendliness and the similarity to a standard patient chart with tabs for files. The software was customized to the pediatric environment complete with patient growth charts. Windows was used as the operating system based on provider familiarity. Within four days OHPA had 100% compliance and use of their EMR system.

The Future of HIP TN and HIE in Tennessee

Tennessee has received close to twelve million dollars in grant money from The State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program.20 Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIO) need to be full scalable to allow hospitals to grow their systems without compromising integrity as they grow.21and the systems located in Nashville will play an integral role in this nationwide scaling with companies like HCA, CHS, Iasis, Lifepoint and Vanguard. The HIE will act as a data repository for all patients information that can be accessed from anywhere and contains a full history of the patients medical record, lab tests, physician network and medicine list. To entice providers to enroll in the statewide HIE tangible value to their practice has to be shown with better safer care. In a 2011 HIMSS editor's report Richard Lang states that instead of a top down approach "A more practical idea may be for states to support local community HIE development first. Once established, these local networks can feed regional HIE's and then connect to a central HIE/data repository backbone. States should use a portion of the stimulus funds to support local HIE development."22 Mr. Lang also believes the primary care physician has to be the foundation for the entire system since they are the main point of contact for the patient.

One piece of the puzzle often overlooked is the patient investment in a functional EHR. In order to bring together all the pieces of the HIE puzzle patients will need to play a more active role in their healthcare. Many patients do not know what medicines they take every day or whether they have a living will. Several versions of patient EHR's like Memitech's 911medical id card exist, but very few patients know or carry them.23 One way to combat this lack of awareness is to use the hospital as a catch-all and discharge each patient with a fully loaded USB card via case managers. This strategy also might lead to better compliance with post in patient therapies to reduce readmissions.

The implementation of connecting qualified organizations began earlier this year. To fully support organizations to move toward qualification the Office of National Coordinator for HIE (ONC) has designated regional education centers (TN rec) who assist providers with educational initiatives in areas like HIT, ICD9 to ICD10 training and EMR transition. Qsource, a non-profit health consulting firm, has been chosen to oversee TNrec. To ensure sustainability it is critical that Tennessee build a network of private funding so that what happened with Carespark won't happen to HIP TN. The eHealth Initiatives 2011Survey Report states that of the 196 HIE initiatives, 115 act independently of federal funding and of those independent HIE's, break even through operational revenue. Some of these exchanges were in existence well before the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009. Startup funding from grants is only meant to get the car going so to speak, the sustainable fuel, as observed in the case of Carespark, has to come from value that can be monetized. KLAS research reports that 54% of public HIE's were concerned about future sustainability while only 35% of private HIE's shared this concern.

Hospital Implications of HIP TN (A Call to Action)

From a Financial perspective, taking our hospital into the future with EMR and an integrated statewide network has profound implications. In the short term the cost to find a vendor, establish EMR in and outpatient will be an expensive proposition. The transition will not be easy or finite and will involve constant evolution as HIP TN integrates with other state HIE's. To get a realistic idea of the benefits and costs associated with health information integration. we can look to HealthInfoNet in Portland, ME, a statewide HIE that expects to save 37 million dollars in avoided services and 15 million in productivity reduction. Specific areas of savings include paper or fax costs $5 versus $0.25 electronically, virtual health record savings of $50 per referral, $26 saved per ED visit and $17.41 per patient/year due to redundant lab tests which amounts to $52 million for a population of 3 million patients. In Grand Junction Colorado Quality Health Network lowered their per capita Medicare spending to 24% below the national average, gaining recognition by President Obama in 2009. The Santa Cruz Health Information Exchange (SCHIE) with 600 doctors and two hospitals achieved sustainability in the first year of operation and uses a subscription fee for all the organizations who interact with them. In terms of government dollars available, meaningful use incentives exist to encourage hospitals to meet twenty of twenty five objectives in the first phase (2011-2012) and adopting and implement an approved EHR vendor. ARRA specified three ways for EHR to be utilized to obtain Medicare reimbursement. These include e-prescribing, health information exchange and submission of clinical quality measures. The objectives for phase two in 2013 will expand on this baseline. Implementation of EHR and Hospital HIE costs are usually charged by bed or by the number of physicians. Fees can range from $1500 for a smaller hospital up to $12,000 per month for a larger hospital.

Perhaps the most compelling argument to building a functional Health Information Exchange is patient and community safety. The Healthbridge reduction in disease outbreak detection of 3-5 days is a perfect example of this safety benefit. Imagine the implications in the case of a rampant virus like avian or swine flu. The goal is to avoid a repeat of the 1918 influenza outbreak and ultimately save the lives of our most at risk. Rick Krohn of Healthsense makes the case for a socially responsible HIE that serves those who are chronically ill, uninsured and homeless. As the taxpayers ultimately bear the societal burden for our country's healthcare coverage, the need to reduce redundancies, increase efficiency and provide healthcare worthy of the United States is imperative. Right now our healthcare is in the Critical Care Unit it's time to stabilize it through operational excellence starting with our hospital. Let's rebuild the Tower of Babel and enhance communication to provide our patients the healthcare they deserve!

10:50 AM
Top 10 Holiday Home Decorating Mistakes

Top 10 Holiday Home Decorating Mistakes

Holiday home decorating is a great way for people to show their holiday spirit. However it is important to keep some general principals in mind when selecting your seasonal home decor. The list that follows is a general guide on what not to do when selecting your holiday home decorations.

Don't Over Do It:

Pick a color scheme and stick to it. Many people make the mistake of being too "loud" with their decorating colors and end up with a chaotic mess instead of a calming holiday effect. Of course, when there are children involved, there are more knick-knacks and decorations that won't exactly fit in, but that's the fun of youth. However, for adults who want to pull a seasonal room together, carefully think what holiday home decorating you really need and if those items gel harmoniously.

Keep Decorations Balanced in the Home:

Again, when placing seasonal decorations such as the tree, wreaths, centerpieces, and religious icons around the interior and exterior of your home, keep a tasteful balance. Many light up the night sky with far too many lights around windows, around porches, and sometimes on the roof. Make a more prudent choice and go with a more minimalist approach. Plan out where fairy lights and the tree will go in relation to the picture window neighbors can see through. Keep a close eye on the distance put between items on mantles and table. You never want to create a more chaotic look which makes any room feel less comfortable to occupy. That's not what you want for those who visit your home.

Keep Inflatable Ornaments Out of Your Yard:

If there are children in the home who fall in love with a Frosty the Snowman snow globe the size of your home, perhaps it's nice to appease them. However, make sure that the ornament is securely attached to the ground due to high winter winds or an unexpected storm.

If you do not have children, the wise choice to maintain a sophisticated look is to avoid these type ornaments like the plague. It draws away completely from any tasteful decorating you may have hung. No one is looking at the handmade wreath you spent hours putting together. Neighbors see only the Santa and reindeer that are perpetually inflated by a loud generator will make all your creativity moot.

Choose Lights and Related Illuminates Carefully:

Not only does this apply to the lights on your tree matching those on the porch outside, this includes such items as a string of icicles across your roof or around a column. These icicles could be light up, or reflect that the light. It's not a bad idea to have a tree outdoors, again have a theme going with the lights you use.

Never Half-Finish a Job:

Even though life can be fast-paced, especially those with children, have a million different events to prepare for as well as attend. When you choose to decorate, perhaps have grandparent look after children, or if business keeps you away, schedule one, free day to devote to decorating. This can make sure everything is done in-whole, and all the stress of getting it done is behind you.

Don't Hide Your Christmas Tree:

Many make the Christmas tree the focal point of all interior decorations. Don't hide this prized-decorating item in a corner, but in front of a window which adds cheer to those who drive by.

Avoid Using Candles:

There are many, tasteful, natural-looking alternatives sold in decorating stores to prevent one from using candles at all. When decorating a home, many candles were lit and placed on windowsills. This proved to create many house fires due to the heat igniting holiday cloth window treatments.

Carefully Choose the Wreath for Your Front Door:

When looking at the exterior of the home, many eyes are drawn first to the wreath adorning your front door. There are a plethora of fun, adventurous, or traditional looks to meet any personality. However, be mindful of how this wreath corresponds with the other decorations.

Pick the Right Time to Put Up or Take Down Decorations:

It seems that Christmas decorations go up earlier and earlier every year. Where many didn't break out the tinsel until the first week of December, however, during current years, many Christmas trees go up before Thanksgiving.

Likewise, there are a few who don't seem to want to let go of Christmas, let those lights keep blinking well into January. Think before you put up decorations and remove those decorations no later than New Year's Day. This marks the time of a new year, and another time to put the last holidays behind us.

Avoid Mixing Religious Icons:

The basic problem here is that the mixing of religious icons can be seen as disrespectful to some of varying faiths who visit your home. It can also project the idea that you have a scant knowledge of religious traditions and prove embarrassment.

10:49 AM
Tips For Elegant Home Decor

Tips For Elegant Home Decor

A beautiful and comfortable home is every person's dream. For most people, comfort is not the only criteria; they also want their homes to look the best. This includes the right furniture, right mix of colors, and the right decorative pieces. Home decor is usually done with a lot of care and planning.

Thematic Decoration

To decorate a home, a person needs to consider a few important things and also make a good plan. Some of the steps involved in home decor are as given below.

* Fix Up A Theme: You can fix up the themes for each room. There could be themes for kids' bedrooms as well as themes for the living space and even the bathroom. Or it could be one single theme for the entire home. The theme need not be elaborate. It could be simple like sticking to one or a few selected colors.

* Decide Regarding Furniture And Fixtures: The furniture and fixtures in each room should be based on the room theme and color scheme. You may have simple line of furniture that would fit into any room style or may have unique ones. You may also have to decide from where to purchase the furniture. Online stores offer good bargains to customers and also have a wide range of ready-to-use furniture, some which can be assembled at home. These stores offer not only home decorations but also home decor gifts and other accessories. If the furniture need to be custom made, select the right carpenter.

* Fix Up A Budget: It is always better to fix up a budget for the operation. The budget can have a lower cap and an upper cap. This gives the person a reasonable margin. The budget should take into consideration the design plan for each room and also the available options with regard to home decorative items.

* Carry On Decorating: The final step involves the actual operation, including painting, procurement, and arrangement of the furniture and accessories. The place where each item is kept is very important to get the right look and convert an ordinary room into a place of beauty.

These points are applicable not only when a person is venturing on decorating the home himself, but also if an interior decorator is employed. Here too the budget and scheme for rooms play an important role and need to be carefully considered before finalizing.

One of the perils of home decor is that there is always the danger of overdoing it. There is also the danger of not keeping to the budget and spending way more than required. Some people are in the habit of picking up decorative pieces that are totally unnecessary. So, when selecting a total home makeover, always make sure it is done according to the needs, and then, what is created is a cozy and beautiful place. Less is always more. This mantra would go a long way in keeping the home decor simple and elegant.

10:49 AM
Successful Home Decorating Using Lamp Drum Shades

Successful Home Decorating Using Lamp Drum Shades

Never be indifferent about your home decorating ideas for home is a refuge where you can hold fast to yourself, and love can endure. Good lamps will show your love as a brighter sunshine giving your decor a new charm.

One trend is to use drum lamp shades in your decorative home decor to convert your decorating ideas into success. This is the choice of many home decorators, and designers today.

When decorating sometimes the imagination is more important than knowledge. What it boils down to is with a great imagination you can add a touch to your decor; for a thousand words will not match a great lamp shade chosen from your imagination. What we must be aware of is lamp shades come in many various sizes and shapes, I'll name a few: bell, empire, oval, drum, rectangular, and square.

Drum lamp shades are the choice shape, this idea may change in the future but not the essence, for the shape of the lamp must be appropriate for your home decor or design. The drum shape is thought of as charming by the leaders in the home decorating field.

In the decorating society this type of design is ideal in simple contemporary settings; making the choice of elongated lamps of history. With beauty in comparison to the moon's; the design gives glowing light to more space than other lamp shades.

If you desire to convey love in your home decorations, a lamp shade drum will be like a light of devotion shining light in all directions. You'll be delighted with the wide spaced illumination which will be like a guide to your feet shining light from the farthest corner of a room to the ceiling.

These lamps will be the life of any home's decorations, adding a luminous glow, they'll give charm to any decorative design. And with features that make them cost-effective and less expensive than models with complex designs, this type of design also allows many hours of burning with no threat from overheating.

The idea is to turn your room into a royal court, you'll want your lamp to enhance the rest of your room's decor, yet not distract from the room's decorating scheme. No matter the size of your room, the lamp shade drum comes in all different sizes and you'll love them for what they are. Another tip when choosing a lamp, if the base is decorative the shade should be simple and plain, the same is true if the shade is decorative then the base should be plain.

These lamps will give you a temporary madness, then you'll have to make a decision which will delight you, for they are available in many colors, plus they are made of silk by hand, or metal with a sewn in lining, and they are also available in brass. These extra features will cause love to erupt like an earthquake.

Be of good cheer for you'll find many places to purchase your lamp shade drum such as at a local shop, from a dealer that will order them, online, or you can make them at home with instructions downloaded from the internet. Love is the message and it will be sent out with these lamps burning.

We have just had a discussion about drum lamp shades, their special quality should be the essence of your decorating scheme. It's time to bring your home decor to life by putting your thoughts to action. Well-defined decorating ideas are the secrets to success. Look for more articles by me on home decorating, for each step is part of your goal.

10:49 AM
Different Types of Home Decors

Different Types of Home Decors

Homes need different types of home decors for them to look appealing to guests. The beauty of a home reflects the owner's mind and personality. Elegant types of home decors play an important role in turning a house into a home. If you want your home to be comfortable, cozy, and nice, you have to put up the right decors. Each of the rooms in your house should be considered when choosing your decorations. Keep in mind that cost in not very important. You can use a cheap ornament in your living room and your guests will still admire it. Conversely, you can also put up expensive paintings from world-renowned artists.

Actually, there are two main types of home decors. These are the interior and the exterior decors. Obviously, interior decors are the ones used inside homes while exterior decors are used to improve the façade of the house. These embellishments have to be carefully chosen so as to emphasize the good features of your home. If you have the budget, you may ask help from reliable interior decorators. Nonetheless, you may also decorate your home yourself. Just remember to choose the right types of home decors. After all, you want your home to look better and not weirder.

The traditional types of home decors are very simple. Usually, light color schemes such as cream, beige, and ivory are incorporated in the walls and house furniture. Furniture lines are often straight and clean; and the kinds of wood used are typically oak, maple, and cherry. In addition, the couches and sofas in the living rooms are large and comfortable. The windows are decorated with draperies, as well. Colorful fabrics are preferred instead of blinds. The traditional types of home decors are really a classic. Most homeowners also favor them because they are easy to blend with other styles. Anyway, the English Country style is also favorable to housewives and old women. Floral fabrics and crisp linens are frequently used. Chairs and sofas are covered with ruffled skirts too.

On the other hand, contemporary types of home decors are more preferred by celebrities, single individuals, and people who live modern lifestyles. Unlike the traditional way, contemporary decorating involves the usage of dark color schemes such as black and gray. White is also often used to complement these dark colors. Moreover, contemporary types of home decors include furniture made of metals. Modern homes also do not use fabric for the windows. Blinds are used instead. At times, window treatments, area rugs, and lighting fixtures are also featured. Furthermore, you can consider the eclectic style. This one is the result of a mixture of assorted styles. Here, you will be able to use a variety of furniture. Just make sure that everything blends well.

10:49 AM
Tips For Great Home Decor

Tips For Great Home Decor

Decorating your home is one of the most daunting tasks. Most of the home decor items are very popular among the people. By changing couple of things of your abode one can bring a great transformation in one's personal space. Even a minute change in your home decoration will make you feel new and refreshing. Decorating your home is one of the best ways of transforming the bored and tired looking space into rejuvenating, fresh and happy atmosphere.

Home Decoration involves several things such as colors, furniture, fabric and several other accessories. For some people home decor may involve several thousand dollars while it just takes some imagination by some people to make magnificent changes.

Hiring a professional home decor person is always a great idea but it involves a lot of money. A professional decorator will surely bring a trendy and sporty environment to your home and they are well aware of the latest trends. They have a very professional point of view as compare to an amateur decorator as they have both experience and talent. They are able to transform your boring, non-happening place into exciting place to hang in.

One can also go for home improvement software which will surely make your place a better place to live. The software so used can improve the color, designs and many more things. Most of the professional decorators make use of home decor software as they give exact idea about the view of your home after improvement. This software also extends the vision of decorator as one can see the ideas on the screen of the computer.

Home decor is selected according to the size of your home and you may require buying or keeping the things away according to the size of your home. If the size of your home is very small then you should go for a very simple and elegant home decor. You should not go for adding extra decorative pieces and furniture.

If you own a very large or big-sized home then one can arrange the things quite efficiently and still save some space. Big size homes are like blessings for home decorators. Home decorator also includes proper and correct placement of practical and useful items such as furniture, several artifacts and electronic items of your home.

Decorative ladders have become a hot favorite for home decorators these days. This may be due to the reason that they give a great and rustic look to your home and these can also be used for several other ways. Decorative molding is another way of enhancing the decor and it can also be used to highlight certain features of your home. These are meant to add style and a great look to the walls, floors and ceiling.

This is the best way of enhancing and enriching the home. One thing to remember about molding is that if you are using this on one item in your room then it will be a great idea to use the same type of molding on the other items of the room.

10:48 AM
Find Inspiration For Home Decorating From Many Sources

Find Inspiration For Home Decorating From Many Sources

There comes a moment in the lives of all home or apartment dwellers when they realize they simply MUST do something about their decor. That stained brown couch, battered chair, and tattered orange shag rugs from college days have got to go!

But how do you get started on a decorating project for the home that will improve your interior environment as well as express your personality? The answers for home decorating inspiration can come from many sources. The key to a successful home redecorating is to have the patience and persistence to keep looking through these sources until the idea styles and colors are found.

Some people have a natural knack for home decorating. They love browsing through decorating magazines. They make weekly dates to watch their favorite decorating shows on cable TV. They even enjoy going to decorator show houses to see the latest styles, from wallpaper and upholstery fabric to ingenious window treatments and beautiful floral rugs. The point is that any and all of these, and more, can inspire a home decorating project.

One of the less expensive places to start looking for inspiration is with interior decorating magazines. Don't think you have to buy magazines new off the rack. These days many cities and towns have secondhand bookstores where people trade in their books and magazines. These used bookstores are great places to find decorating magazines at significantly discounted prices. Remember, the best home decorating styles have a classic air about them, so looking at outdated magazines can be just the ticket for choosing a room decor plan.

Secondhand bookstores and public libraries are also excellent sources for books on interior decorating. If you feel you have a good handle on the basic concepts of good interior decorating, such as balance and harmony, you can focus in some of the more specialized techniques of decorating. These might include how to paint faux finishes, sew beautiful draperies or create your own reversible braided rugs. Whatever inspires you to begin a project is a good place to start.

In addition to reading and looking at pictures for decorating ideas, several visual encounters can inspire decor plans. These include visiting model homes or designer show houses, looking at photographs of interior designs and watch decorating or home makeover shows on TV. It can be a little harder to retain the information from these sources, so be sure to take notes from on-site visits and record TV shows for frequent review.

Finally, online browsing is another way to gather home decorating inspiration. You can search for various topics, visit specific interior decorating web sites, and even take an "online tour" of model homes and show houses. For instance, several paint manufacturers and home improvement stores now offer programs in which you can try out different color schemes for various rooms. Many of these sites offer email newsletters and other helpful notifications to keep on top of decorating trends.

No matter what inspires your home decorating quest, don't forget to be a wise shopper when it comes time to start the project. Consult several sources for your home decorating materials before you purchase anything. Remember, you want to assemble the kind of comfortable, appealing home environment that you can live with for a long time - until you're ready to redecorate!

10:48 AM
Where Do You Get Home Decorating Ideas?

Where Do You Get Home Decorating Ideas?

It's sometimes hard to decide on a new look for your home. Decorating is one of the best ways to personalize each room with your taste but if you don't feel inspired or if you don't know where to begin, you may find yourself stuck and unable to move forward with your plans to be creative and give your home a new look. There are many reasons why people want to decorate their homes but the end result should be one that is pleasing to your eyes and help you to feel calm, relaxed, and happy. Here are some ways that you can get inspired with home decorating ideas.


Many home decor ideas come from books. There are decorating tips, pictures, remodeling, building, and transforming ideas to take one look and completely transform it into a personal look that you want. Books are available at your local bookstore, home decorating sites, and online book stores.

Home decorating/Interior Design Magazines

Magazines are an inexpensive way to find some great home decorating ideas. You can find home decorating magazines that have some vivid pictures and ideas to help you. There may be some quick easy tips, tips to decorate in a few hours, or how to make the most of what you have in decorating. Seeing it in a magazine can make it clear.

Designer showcase

You can find inspiring tips and pictures in the designer showcases all around the world. Check online or call your local home decorating store to find out when and where the showcase will be next. You will be able to find many inspiring ideas that you can use in every room of your home.

Home decorating shows on television

Thanks to the television, viewers can actually watch every step of home decorating to get some great ideas. Most television shows will show you a before look, a step-by-step process of how to decorate, and the final look that is finished. Some home decorating shows do their decorating in one day, which allows the viewers to see everything from start to finish.

Home Tours Online

If you want to see how other homes look in order to give you some decorating ideas, then take a home tour online. These tours are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can get some great tips and hints that can be beneficial to finding the right look for your home.

Friends and family

There is a lot to be said about the decorating styles of friends and family. You trust them and their opinion on everything else, so why not trust them to give you some helpful tips about home decorating. You may be surprised at how well they can help you.

When asking friends and family for advice, focus more on the accessories that go into a room, like curtains, pillows, and area rugs. Because there are so many colors to choose from in rugs you want to make sure that you choose according to comfort and colors that blend and not stand out. Cotton rugs or sisal rugs are great additions to any room.

10:48 AM
Home Decor Accessories - A Must For a Lavish Looking Home

Home Decor Accessories - A Must For a Lavish Looking Home

One of the trends carried out from centuries is to decorate home with assorted decor accessories. But with the passage of time it has taken a new look but still retaining a traditional touch. In today's modern world home decor accessories have become an important part of our lifestyles.

The place where you live plays an important role in reflecting your personality and status. Home decor accessories play an even better role in making your home more beautiful and rich. Decorating home with special and stylish items is one of the best ways to give personal touches to your home. Decoration is an art that can easily express ones innermost feelings in very straight manner.

Home decoration do not require too much effort, it is all about having little bit of creativity, having fun and little bit of responsibilities. A house is well decorated when you can do something extraordinary with the objects that are essential in our daily lives. So each and every piece of your home decor will definitely add charm to the beauty of the house.

Let us take an example of your living room. Living room is the place of your home where you can have parties, guest visits, get-together and various other activities. As it is a place which everybody can see, using innovative ideas and adding some stylish items to decorate you living room would be a really great idea. You can go for crafted wooden chairs with soft cushions, stylish book shelves, modernized coffee tables; beautiful paintings hanging on the wall and many more options like these will definitely give your home a lavish look.

Home decor is made up from various types of material like wood, natural fibers, metal and glass. But before selecting decor accessories for home one has to be very careful. Select items that go well with your room's theme and interiors. Buy a home decorative item that is elegant, beautiful and gives best look to your home. Apart from giving enchanting and elegant look to your house, home decor items also emits positive energy bringing peace and property in house.

Home decor accessories can also be bought online if you do not have enough time to go personally to local stores. Online shopping is one of the best and most reliable ways of shopping. There are so many online furniture stores from where you can buy assorted modern as well as traditional home decor accessories with exclusive discounts. You can also send them as gifts to your dear ones form any corner of the world. Few of them also offers free shipping to various corner of the worlds on purchased of widely popular products.

10:47 AM
Bring the Tuscany Valley to Your Home Decorating

Bring the Tuscany Valley to Your Home Decorating

Home Decorating is a very personal decision, different with every individual. Your home decor reflects your personal style and individual quirks. If you're having problems making a decision about your home decorating theme, consider a Tuscany theme for your home. Tuscany style combines subtle elegance and simplicity, using a palette of earthy warm tones. Tuscany decorating comes from the Tuscany Valley in Italy and is meant to bring the outdoors in. This great home decorating idea uses distinct materials to help accomplish this goal. Tuscany style is unique as well as beautiful with warm inviting colors and a cozy feel.

Textures are a big part of the Tuscany theme. It involves the use of stone and primitive tile for the flooring but wood or laminate floors can also be added to the mix. Textured plaster for the walls in a warm color is also another important ingredient in the big picture and here is where you can really be creative and add your personal stamp on a room. If you like beams, you can add them to a Tuscany styled room. They conjure up a warm, cozy and rustic feel. Mosaicing a floor is another way to add charm to a Tuscany theme. Consider tiling with slate or Mexican tile in your entryway. It will really set the tone for your entrance into Tuscany decorating. Also mosaicing a table top in rustic tile, such as again slate, terra cotta or travertine will add to the Tuscany decor. Partner it with a rod iron table bottom and you've got a real Tuscany home.

Any home decorating theme that focuses on nature uses wood and the Tuscany style makes great use of wood. One example is using large wooden beams. You can use the real thing or they now make "faux" wooden beams in different material including styrofoam. Do a Google search for faux wooden beams and you'll be able to come up with some ideas. Tuscany home decor also utilizes wooden furniture. It needs to look aged and you can accomplish this with different colored stains. Although buying antique furniture would really do the trick. Tuscany decorating is based on a cultural heritage. Adding accessories can bring out the Tuscany Italian Heritage.

Accessories that are homemade are common for this home decorating idea. Ceramic vases are a big thing in Tuscany decorating, especially those made of terra cotta. Terra cotta items is a running theme in Tuscany home decorating. Silver frames, silver candlesticks and copper pots, or anything else copper are all common in the Tuscany design. When I think of Tuscany, I think of wine and grapes and cheese. Beautiful wine glasses, and, if you can find them, antique wine glasses would be a beautiful addition to your Tuscany decorating. Large glass jars filled with olives, vases filled with colorful flowers and, again, anything terra cotta add to the ambiance of Tuscany decorating.

Tuscany fabric is in a class all by itself. When using Tuscany fabric in this home decorating theme, look for fabrics made of fibers from the banana tree, Savannah and tobacco cloth, burlap and abaca fiber. These fabrics create a natural space and environment and are quite versatile for just about anything in your decorating project. Curtains, drapes, blinds, dividers, screens, placemats, floor-mats, these can all be created from the various tuscan fabrics because of their weight, density and flexibility.

Decorating your home in the Tuscany style makes good use of colors in the red and yellow family in bright or muted shades. See if you can find these colors in tassels and tie-backs to accent your drapes. You can also add ribbons in these colors and add them to candlesticks, jugs, baskets and anything else you can think of. Any item or accessory which resembles the sea, earth or forest make great additions to Tuscany style home decorating. Color, texture, fabric and accessories will create a warm and inviting feeling in any space in your home. Tuscany style is one of simplicity and nature and is a great home decorating idea.

10:47 AM
Home Decoration is an Art and Science

Home Decoration is an Art and Science

Home decoration is an art and a science, and a well decorated home emits positive vibes and makes a home a fun place to be at. When deciding on your home decor, do not be afraid to mix and match different items of decor. The home decor you want will be exclusive to your ideas of what you want your home yard, and garden to look like. Home Decorations & Gardening artfully balances selection and selectivity. Home decoration ideas can cater to tastes and whims of all ages and for all budgets.


Make your home, truly your castle, when you add those extra decorative or unusual home furnishing items. Harmonizing all decorative items in a room is a matter not only of taste, but also of artistic vision, so make sure you take all possible aspects into consideration before purchasing a Persian Home Decor Floor Rug. When you are planning your home decoration ideas, think about which items you use often and which ones are seldom used. Home decor items are in demand and there is a lot to select from in order to give your home a revamped look with the right kind of accessories.


Give your home and yourself a lift with new home accessories. Home Accessories make a personal statement in any room Distinctive Home Decorations. Proper planning and good use of space are the keys to selecting attractive items and accessories that will work for you, whatever the size of your home. We understand the high costs of home decoration accessories offered by some shops or not always being able to find what you are looking for easily. As accessories, paired lamps bring balance to a setting, equally so when it happens to be matching nightstands sentried on either side of the bed.


Checking out online is a good start, because you will be able to quickly browse around and get a good idea of what is out there without having to leave home. Whether you're decorating your home and garden, or looking for a great gift idea for that special someone, you'll find something here at a price that simply can't be beat. Our online store offers home decor products and unique garden decoration gifts at bargain prices. Here we offer various home decoration items and all at wholesale prices.

10:47 AM
How to Work Like Professional Home Decorators

How to Work Like Professional Home Decorators

Being a home decorator without a degree is a tough task if someone is looking at it with a professional eye. But when it comes to decorate your own home, anyone can become a decorator and start revamping his home just like a professional decorator would do. All it takes is simple knowledge of home improvements and a classic style that can please every eye. Doing so, you can save a lot of money which otherwise would go into the pockets of a professional decorator. When it is possible to be your own decorator, and then why not spend that money on your home instead of a decorator? Plus, you get everything of your own choice, which is an add-on for your home project.

Being a decorator requires some pre-planning and homework before you move on even a single step; and the very first step that would lead you to be a home decorator is a proper plan. As colors play the most essential role in a home decor, you need to choose a color scheme of your choice. Professional home decorators take several colors schemes and then make their selection. You too will have to do the same for working like a professional home decorator. These color schemes play a major role in enhancing the decor style and they show obvious variations even with the slightest change. Therefore, one needs to be precise when selecting a color scheme.

You can also use home improvement software for perfecting everything - the colors, the designs, the models and the entire décor theme. Professional home decorators always use home improvement software for such purposes. Besides giving an exact idea about the entire project, home improvement software also extends the visions of the designers as they can see their ideas on the computer screen. Visual presentation makes it a lot easier for home decorators to either plan a home décor or change an existing plan after watching it's visual. You should also get help from the software. It is easy to use and it decorates your room in just a few seconds right on your screen.

The size of your home is also counted in a home decor. You need to arrange things - buy or trash - with respect to the size of your room. If you have a very small home, you should go for a simple and descent home décor - without stuffing it with extra decoration pieces and furniture. However, a big-sized home is always a blessing for home decorators. You can arrange everything accordingly and you will still be able to save some of the space if you are too good at home decoration.

A professional home decorator takes care of all the aspects including all the rooms, interiors, walkways, exterior, doors and even the windows and curtains. You too will have to take everything together for a descent home decor. Use the color themes in such a way that it gets blended with each of the room present in your home. Moreover, you also need to give priority to the exterior of your home. Following all these steps along with reading professional home improvement magazines, you can efficiently carry on your home decoration project, just like professional home decorators. In this way, you get your required décor style by saving your money.

10:46 AM
Fabrics For Home Decorating - Complement The Decor!

Fabrics For Home Decorating - Complement The Decor!

Fabrics compliment the decor of a room. The sheer beauty of fabrics can give a facelift to any space. Fabric for home decorating can be used in couch covers, upholstery, slip covers, window treatments, bed coverings, table tops, etc. A fabric less room in a home looks plain and has a cold hard feel. Any room could be transformed into a warm, cozy and inviting place to enjoy with friends and family or just to relax, by the judicious use of fabric for home decorating.

As fabrics for home decorating form an integral part of room decor, it is important to use the fabrics which blend well with other furniture of the room. If you are using a specific decorating design as per the suggestions and advice given to you, then it is very easy to pick the fabrics for home decorating. But without any clue, it is a very frustrating job to choose them and you soon tend to get discouraged. Instead of progressing towards your dream home, you may end up in a nightmare of confusion.

There are a variety of themes for home decorating, each with its own specific style and color for the fabrics for home decorating. If you have selected a theme to guide you in home decorating, the process of choosing the fabric for it becomes smooth. For example, a Tuscan theme would use fabric of woven textures like bur lab, fabrics made of the fiber abaca, tobacco cloth and savannah cloth or fabrics out of the banana tree fibers. Fabrics of Tuscan home decorations are no doubt heavier but they also are very versatile and flexible. The Tuscan theme uses these fabrics for blinds, rugs, slip-covers or for drapes.

If you prefer the Cottage theme, fabrics for home decorating use bright colors and floral patterns. Cottage decorating as far as upholstery and projects using fabric go, point to colourful and bold patterns. Fabrics with printed fruit or vegetables are used in the cottage theme, though more popular is a floral pattern in fabrics of the cottage theme of home decorating.

The Victorian theme of home decorating uses rich fabrics like brocade or velvet in deep colors of burgundy, green or blue. Victorian fabrics for it have a feminine touch and tend to be elaborate. These materials can be used for bedding, slip-covers, curtains, etc. They look excellent if trimmed with ribbons, beads or lace.

Different themes employ different fabrics for home decorating. The above are only a few examples. Your choice should focus on the fabrics that appeal to you. It would also be wise to remember that fabrics can be really expensive; and once you choose and buy a fabric, you could be stuck with it for a long time. Hence it is very important to be absolutely sure that you like it before making the final purchase. These fabrics used in home decorating very often need special care while washing. If you prefer a fabric that is easy to clean, it is important to remember this aspect while choosing the fabric. After all, it is for your home and it is important that the purchase suits your tastes and needs. The choice for fabrics is really vast. But with the help of home decorating catalogues and magazines, websites of internet and the fabric stores in your vicinity, you will find it easy to make a sensible choice for fabrics of home decorating.

10:46 AM
Colonial Home Decorating

Colonial Home Decorating

A colonial home decorating is a kind of art and style that maybe used as a theme idea to apply in your own home. Decorating your own house is one venue where you can show your creativity as well as a way to show that you can take good care of your home. Being creative is one of the most important factors when it comes to decorating, and on how you can make the things in your home presentable and beautiful. The way you decorate your home also shows how you feel as a person. If you feel good, bright and lively colors are the most dominant hues. When you feel the opposite, it will also show on the outcome.

Most of homes are decorated by using fine colors and texture, furniture and lights especially when it comes in curtain. Good texture and proper display of an object is one way to decorate. Imagine your home that full of decors which are properly placed. It can really make you feel comfortable. Almost every surface of the home may need decorating or rearranging. The ways of arranging your furniture makes your home alive. A colonial home decorating theme maybe opted as a style of arranging furniture, selecting the objects and the curtains. Decors are used may reflect traditions and culture aside from beautification purposes. Home decorating is to some is a hobby as if making your own masterpiece.

Many people make experiments when it comes to decorating their home. They used any kind of materials that can make a home lively and attractive. Having a theme like a colonial home decorating helps you decide what sets of decors to get. There are some home decors which are much attractive but are expensive. Some decorations are weird and some are simple, and some reflects the olden times. There are different styles that you can do depending on how artistic you are when it comes to decorating your home. You should be interested and give much effort in decorating for a good outcome. Maintain the cleanliness and place the entire decor in the proper location in order. You may also decorate outside your home. A simple but attractive one is ideal.

Colonial home decorating helps your decorating fast and orderly. Constant decorating can develop your skills which you can also use as a means of living interior designing. Explore all possibilities and combinations in your decorating and make a masterpiece in your home.

10:46 AM
Beginning Your Seasonal Home Decor in Summer is a Brilliant Idea

Beginning Your Seasonal Home Decor in Summer is a Brilliant Idea

Start your summer right, by adding seasonal home décor to your to-do list.

Utilizing seasonal home décor is a great way to add spice to your surroundings and a surefire way to garnish compliments from your regular houseguests. In fact, one of the most popular home decorating trends currently is seasonal decorating, as it takes a dedicated creative person to come up with enough home decorating ideas four times a year on an average of every three months.

If you are considering seasonal decorating, the summer is a wonderful time to start brainstorming home decorating ideas as summer signifies a break for your children who old or young can help you create perfect summer home decoration ambience within your house. Summer is bright, cheerful and a time for guilty free pleasure, so how some fun with your home as well! Summer colors that will brighten your house to match the summer sun The sun always seems to glow brighter in the sun, and your house should also. Therefore, you need to look at your current interior decoration and use it develop summer home decoration ideas. Bright colors are easy to come by, so when trying to create color scheme ideas for your home think bright and natural. Baby colors are a great place to start as they are traditionally light airy colors, but not so obnoxiously bright as too clash with your current furniture and home accessories as well as your current interior decoration. Summer lightness has no bounds, so you just need to pick colors that do not clash with each, and from there go wild with the colors you choose to use.

Adding your summer attitude to the interior decoration of your home Of course, you probably cannot afford to replace your furniture and home accessories every three months as the seasons change, but in keeping with the attitude of seasonal home décor, it may be possible to add a few pieces to your home's interior decoration. As the season changes, you can take these simple changes and store them for next summer either in your attic or if you are lucky enough to have one, your storage closet. For example, if your living room is white, you may consider replacing the traditional wooden mirror with a mirror encircled by the sun. This way you can bring the sun of summer right into your summer home decoration.

Another easy way to spruce up the place is by adding summer flowers into all the flower vases around the home. Take out the fake plants, and add flowers picked from your home's landscaping such as daisies, lilacs, and roses. Although it will require more maintenance to keep up with real flowers than the fake ones, this is a great touch to add to your seasonal decorating efforts because you bring the pleasant smells of summer inside creating a wonderful ambiance to your home. Seasonal decorating should spark your house's physical needs As you change your seasonal home décor [http://www.reflectionarticles.com/page_12.html] each season, this should remind you another three months have passed and that it may be time to address a few of your house's maintenance needs.

Beginning your summer home decoration should remind you that it is time to have window treatments completed on your windows, as they are an energy saving technique. With the bright, shiny colors and sunshine of your seasonal decorating, the real sun and hot temperatures is going to come meaning your air conditioner is going to start. Seal your windows and make sure you are locking not only the bright cheery summer in, but the cool air you are producing as well.

10:46 AM
African Decor Update - What's the Inspiration Behind African Home Decor?

African Decor Update - What's the Inspiration Behind African Home Decor?

African home decor gets its inspiration through nature. For example, the trees, the animals, the soil is the reflection it gives through it's craftsmanship. History proves most cultures and tribes of Africa have long felt true power comes from the soil, trees, stones, rushing rivers, powerful animals and more. As a result craftsmen and women work to reflect that power as they fashion wooden sculptures, figurines, mask and other hand-made products.

Due to the natural symbolism these products exude, they have the strength and depth to survive the passing trends and fads of time. The power and depth of hand-made African decor is what gives it longevity long after most other home decor styles have faded away.

African Interior Design Reflect Powerful Symbols of Nature

The powerful symbols of nature from the African continent reflect the feeling and inspiration through a growing market of African home accents, and room decor. African art and the culture that comes from it is inspired through hand-made craftsmanship. Most of these techniques, handed down for centuries from generation to generation, continues to produce quality pieces of home decor that's demanded around the world.

The expansive decorative designs, patterns and textures make up the popularity and uniqueness of most modern African American home decor. The rich vibrant beauty adds life and authenticity to a lack luster space or room in a growing number of homes. The range of choices in patterns, textures, designs, and colors is what makes the African decor style so adaptable to various home decor themes and homeowner taste. The colors of nature continues to inspire more African interior design choices.

African decor takes on many symbols and forms. They include African figurines, masks, wooden sculptures, baskets, iron art, ceramic pottery and even furniture to name a few. The huge assortment of African textiles also play a large role in African room accessories. Colorful, bright and uplifting is the best way to describe the exotic designs and patterns of this popular decor. Whether you're choosing to add an accent piece to brighten up a dull space or introduce a whole room theme, African home decor has a solution for ever room design problem.

African Decor Color Choices Reflect Nature

The color range of African American home decor alone is expansive, it can go from soft natural earth tones to all the colors of the rainbow and beyond. The nature-friendly textiles, used for an assortment of items, add warmth to any room. For example, wall decor, window coverings, sofa and chair covers, even decorative pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths, and table runners. The list continues to grow and expand as consumers needs continue to grow and expand.

Many woods go into the classic African influenced furniture. For example, if you need to brighten your space, woods such as cedar, pine, and ash can add a light colored mood to your room. For the classic look - consider the dark, rich, timeless look of mahogany and ebony wood as your African decor choices.

For earth-friendly or organic African home decor there's bamboo, wicker, rattan and other environmentally friendly materials. Theses materials come from fast growing trees that's easily replenished. The exotic artwork of Northern African contributes to the timeless look of a room. Famous for world renowned mosaic art in colorful floor tiles, rugs, wall and ceramic products.

African American home decor continues to merge with the styles, taste and culture of Africa. As time passes more people will come to recognize how influential and inspirational this exotic decor is to other styles of home interior design as well.

10:45 AM
Search Results

Search Results

One of the great benefits of my profession is that I get to visit all of my clients homes. Each client is as different as their home decor, so I get to see, first hand, what works and what doesn't. Trendy, transitional or just tired and tattered, my clients share their flooring needs with me and we choose the type, style and color that will best suit their decor needs. As I traverse from one home to another, I have noted a phenomenon of science fiction proportions. Upon entry into each home, I seem to be time-warped to another decade. Another plane in the time-space continuum. I enter one home to find that I should have worn my platform shoes, because I am suddenly stuck in the seventies and it's time to boogie. Upon entry to another home and I feel I need a pair of six-shooters strapped to my hips. Visit another home and I feel as though I should have grown a mullet to fit in with this eighties household. Another, and it's back to the future. Of course, this is normal because most people who have called for me want to update their home decor. My experience tells me that most homeowners update their decor to current trends, and then get stuck there for ten to twenty years or more. Then there are those homes that always seem to look stylish and exquisite no matter what the current trend is. These are homes that have people who follow basic and timeless home decor techniques that never go out of style. Trendy is fun for a few years, but timeless decor can last a lifetime. Let us see if we can pin down some of those techniques that will make a lasting impression in interior design and decor.

The first element I will discuss is paint color choices. As an example; I have noticed that many people are painting all the walls in a room or rooms a red color. There's nothing wrong with red, but the colors most people are choosing are trendy colors of red. These colors will most likely be unfashionable in a few short years. I understand the look they are trying to achieve, but the color choice is simply not one that will stand the test of time. Bright or pastel colors are almost always a trend. Do you remember the salmon pink from the sixties and seventies Or how about the peach and mint green colors of the eighties southwestern rage. If you want to be trendy with red, I suggest using the same color group, but let's tone that down to a color that is somewhere around a muted hue of cinnamon or burgundy color. Now we have a color that doesn't jump out at you as you enter the room because it is a more subtle shade that gives warmth and presence to the walls without overwhelming the entire room. Color choice is a very personal element, but if you want to use bright yellow in your home decor, save it for accent items that you can change out easily when you tire of them or when they are no longer in style (nobody wants to enter a room where they feel like they have just penetrated the center of the sun). Use tones or hues of color that accomplish your goal without going "over the top". If you love the color purple, you can use it. Just use a very subtle hue that blends into the background.

The next element would be window coverings. We have already discussed color so I won't go into it here. What we do need to consider is how popular your window treatment is now, and how it will look in three to five years. The generation preceding the present thought that mini-blinds were the best window treatment. Now we see that they have mostly fallen out of favor, with the exception of using them as if they were shades set behind another type of window covering such as draperies, or with valances and trimmed with other fabric coverings. Most roman style shades will stand the test of time. I see a lot of plantation shutters being used, and they are much better for long-term use (depending on the look you are shooting for in your decor). Fabrics (or draperies) are another home decor element that can be trendy or timeless, depending on the textures and patterns in fabric coverings. If you stick with what has always worked throughout the decades, you can be trendy and still expect long term usage. Stick with subtle fabric patterns. The use of a trendy patterns like brightly colored circles (polka-dots) may look good this year, but what about next year. You can use any pattern your heart desires as long as it is subdued and does not scream out "look at me"! Also, watch out for trendy fabrics such as those with a metallic sheen because texture is also a very important factor in home decor. For Example: Velvet is timeless, as is lace.

I suppose we should say a word or two on Texture. I am happy to see many people using stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops in their kitchens. These are textures that have a lasting effect on home decor. Although I'm afraid that most people don't realize the extra upkeep on granite or any real stone. These materials must be sealed well and periodically re-sealed to protect them. Real stone and some through body porcelain tiles are porous and require a sealer to protect them from spills that could leach into these textures. Glass is also a timeless texture for home decor. Brass and chrome seem to fade in and out of favor, but overall is generally safe. Watch out for exotic textures that are more on the trendy side.

As for flooring, the biggest mistakes people make are in the area of color and pattern. If people walk into your home and notice your flooring before they pay attention to your decor, you have probably made a bad color choice. You don't have to choose safe earth tones for flooring, but you do need to make certain that your color selection blends into the background and not the forefront of your interior design. There are also different textures in flooring. Choose a texture that will last. During the time period when southwestern decor was all the rage, many people chose patterned Berber carpet for their floors. When trends changed, many people were having a hard time decorating around a floor that they no longer cared for because it was not stylish. Plush carpets are always safer for home decor and do not tend to go in and out of style. Hard-surface floorings should always have a natural look. Because hard-surface lasts a long time and is a greater investment, be careful about color and composition. You may have to live with a bad floor choice for many years. One terrific tool for flooring is the Area Rug. They are extremely versatile and if you stay to classic patterns, they will serve you for a long time. I always suggest the use of wool area rugs for their durability, stain resistance, and most oriental or middle eastern patterns always make a good appearance, without dependence on current styles and trends. Area rugs can be used to define space and for color accent or background color utilizing larger rugs. They are a good, timeless tool for home decor.

I am not saying that you can't be trendy or up to date with your interior design. I am not saying you have to get stuck with traditional design. Simply use more subtle colors, textures and patterns to establish the background for your decor, and use accent pieces and furnishings that can be easily and economically swapped out when they are no longer "the rage". If you stick with techniques that have always worked in the past, you preserve your home decor for the future. It can be fun For Me to zip around in time and space, but it's no fun for you as a homeowner or tenant, if your decor is stuck in the past. Don't let your home decor get trapped in a time warp.

10:45 AM
Use These Inspirational Sources For Home Decorating

Use These Inspirational Sources For Home Decorating

When looking to a source for interior decorating inspiration, be critical in a way that will help you to refine and define your own taste. When turning to the work of another designer for decorating ideas, carefully look at the room and consider the basics: floor, walls, ceiling, and overall ambiance. Do not focus on details. When you are done, ask yourself these questions:

o How does this room make me feel?

o Is it too formal?

o Are the colors too light or too dark?

o Is the flooring too dark or would I rather have something darker and more anchored?

o Is the wallpaper/wall color intriguing or annoying?

o Is the furniture warm, dark, white, or colored?

o What do I like and or dislike?

Sources of Inspiration

Here are some sources of inspiration for home decorating ideas you may not have thought of:

Visit Design Models - Visit model homes, take home tours, or go to decorator show houses and checkout the work of talented interior designers.

Design Shows on TV - Watch a few shows to see what you like, then visit their websites for project information on interior decorating ideas.

Museums, Auctions, Antiques - If you are interested in period or antique furniture, visit the decorative arts departments in area museums and online interior design museums as well as auction houses, antique stores, and antique shows. This will help you become familiar with what is available in home decorating and educate you in the value of such pieces.
Interior Decorating Books and Magazines - Browse your local or online bookstore or library, or subscribe to magazines on home decorating. They will expand your knowledge of the design process and the materials and choices available to you as well as offering many interior decorating ideas.

Choose a Home Decorating Theme - Selecting an interior decorating theme is one of the easiest ways to decorate. Themes range from teddy bears in the baby's room to pears for the kitchen. The list is limited only by your imagination. When choosing a theme for decorating ideas, consider hobbies, dreams, locations, and design elements in your home.

Choose a Decorating Style - Decorating styles provide a guideline defining which colors, textures, and elements to consider while excluding the things that won't work. Common interior decorating styles include contemporary, Japanese, Tuscan, Mediterranean, and Country Ranch styles.

Research Online - The Internet offers thousands of links to online decorating tools, sites, and examples of home decorating ideas, as well as links to furniture manufacturers, color pallets, and wallpaper and fabric samples.

Fabric - The starting point for many successful decorating projects is a wonderful piece of fabric. Visit a fabric store for decorating ideas and get cuttings of everything that appeals to you. Be sure to stand at least 10 feet back from a sample fabric to get an overall sense of the design and color.

Decorating File - Keep a file of home decorating ideas with printouts, pictures, magazine clippings, and samples of fabric, paint, flooring, and paint.

Work with a Designer - Seek out a designer for a consultation, to complete a project, or for interior decorating ideas.

10:45 AM
Tuscan - A Great Home Decorating Idea

Tuscan - A Great Home Decorating Idea

Thanks for visiting and finding my article. What follows is information that I have pulled together from many different sources. I hope you find it both interesting and helpful.

If you are having difficulty making a decision about a home decorating theme, tuscan style is a great home decorating idea. Numerous homeowners are attracted to the tuscan style because it combines subtle elegance with simplicity. Using a palette of earthly tones, tuscan style, which is an Italian country design, is intended to bring the outdoors inside. This great home decorating idea uses distinct materials to help accomplish this goal. Tuscan style is unique as well as beautiful.

When deciding to use a tuscan theme to decorate your home, you will be using textures. This home decorating idea implements the use of various textures, such as stone and tile for the flooring. This helps to create a natural atmosphere. Plaster is suggested for the walls to add texture. This would provide an opportunity for you to be creative and even have fun. Tables are often made of stone. Tile mosaics are another recommendation for tables in tuscan home decorating.

Any home decorating theme that focuses on nature uses wood. Tuscan style makes great use of wood. One example of this is the exposed framework constructed from large wooden beams. This great home decorating idea uses wood in furniture. The goal is to make it look aged in appearance. This can be accomplished using staining techniques. Of course if wanting furniture which looks really old, antique furniture would be the ideal choice.

Tuscan decorating is based on a cultural heritage. By using accessories this tuscan heritage can be brought out. Accessories that are homemade are common for this home decorating idea. Ceramics are a big thing in tuscan decorating. Silver frames, silver candlesticks, copper pots; these are all common in tuscan design. Wine and wine glasses, these are also popular accessories for this great home decorating idea. Large glass jars filled with olives, another great idea for tuscan decorating. In addition terra cotta is a popular color when using the tuscan theme so it might be nice to use terra cotta pots or vases.

Tuscan fabric is in a class of its own. When using this home decorating concept, you will be looking for fabrics made of burlap, abaca fiber, fibers from the banana tree, savannah cloth and tobacco cloth. These are all fabrics used to create a natural space. These materials are quite versatile and can be used for just about anything in your decorating project. Curtains, drapes, blinds, dividers, screens, placemats, floor-mats, these can all be created from the various tuscan fabrics because of their weight, density and flexibility.

This great home decorating idea makes use good use of colors such as yellow and red. These colors are probably used in tassels or painted beads in tie-backs to accent the drapes. Using yellow and red ribbon to decorate accessories like candlesticks or jugs is common in tuscan decorating. Any material or accessory which resembles the sea, the earth or the forest, make great additions to tuscan style home decorating. This great home decorating idea found in tuscan style, is a good choice for your space. The color, texture, fabric and accessories will create a warm and inviting feeling in any space in your home. This theme of simplicity and nature is a great home decorating idea.

Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.

So that's the information I have on that subject. I hope it was helpful and you were able to get something out of it.

10:45 AM
Country Home Decorating

Country Home Decorating

Many different sources were used for this article. I hope you find it both interesting and helpful.

When choosing a theme or style for decorating your home, there are many to pick from. One of the most popular decorating themes today is country home decorating. Perhaps it is the most popular because it provides an inviting atmosphere and overall friendly feeling. Country home decorating, because of its cosy environment, is enjoyed by the people who live there as well as all those who visit.

As with any home decorating project, a homeowner must first decide where they want to use country home decorating. Some people choose to use this theme throughout their entire home while other decide to use country home decorating focusing on just one or two rooms, for example the kitchen and the living room. Because this style is meant for people who enjoy simplicity and the nature, some homeowners may decide to carry the country decorating theme through the entire living space.

Country home decorating combines colors which are clean and bright with country furniture and accessories. When choosing colors for country home decorating, light to medium shades of white, yellow, pink, green or brown are good choices. Colors should reflect a rustic feeling. To add to the painted walls, a homeowner or decorator may decide to use stencils with country character such as flowers or plants, fruits or vegetables. Wallpaper boarders are also often used in country home decorating. It is fine to use these additions but the rule of thumb is to make certain the patterns do not clash.

In keeping with a rustic and simple theme, country home decorating uses wood, natural wood. When deciding on a material for a country floor, natural wood is a nice choice. Of course using natural wood throughout a large area can be costly. If looking for a less-expensive way to give floors a country look, a light shade of carpet might be considered or laminate flooring. These options would also work well with the country home decorating theme. Other suggestions for country floors are flagstone or tile. Some homeowners, if they are really creative, decorate their floors with stencils and create patterns. Another great way to jazz up a space is to use area rugs. In keeping with the country home decorating theme, those with an authentic look create a warm and cozy feeling. Hooked, quilted and braided rugs make beautiful additions to a country floor.

In addition when choosing furniture to compliment country home decorating, light wood or wicker is suggested. Again, these materials reflect the beauty of nature. If a homeowner or decorator decides fabric would accent their furniture, such as cushions or slip covers, floral patterns or checkered fabrics add to the authentic look.

After all, accessorizing a room always adds to its beauty. When buying accessories to fit in with a country home decorating theme, it is good to keep in mind the type of atmosphere you are trying to create, a warm and inviting space. Simplicity goes a long way in country home decorating. It is recommended to never use too many decorations and choose accessories that family and friends will enjoy. Photos in simple wooden frames, plain mirrors, plants and fragrant candles dress up country home decorating. Window treatments should also be simple. Lace or shutters give a cozy country feel. Country home decorating can be interesting and fun. Perhaps the main detail to keep in mind is simplicity. Try not to over-decorate, remember too many patterns will clash. Too many decorations will eliminate the amount of space in a room. Country home decorating creates a relaxing and friendly environment, meant to be warm and cozy.

So that's the information I have on that subject. I hope it was helpful and you were able to get something out of it.

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10:44 AM
Home Decorating Is A Rewarding And Creative Process Of Redecorating Your Home

Home Decorating Is A Rewarding And Creative Process Of Redecorating Your Home

Most home decorating design is assorted in style, with a blend of traditional and contemporary furnishings, mixing new with the old. The furnishing choices in a successful home decorating scheme are almost always a well thought-out mixture of styles. Before you begin to decorate, keep in mine that hardly ever is a room, outside of one found in a museum, decorated in one style. You should choose furniture that suits your family and arranging it in a way that works gracefully with the home decorating scheme.

When faced with a room in need of a new look, the question most often asked is which color should be use? How do I combine them? Choosing home decorating colors your selves can be a somewhat scary proposition. You have to develop the skill and confidence to create a room that is quiet but not dull, vibrant but not tasteless, it's helpful to learn some basic home decorating color vocabulary. You should become familiar with the color ring, which is a basic version of the color wheel usually used by fine artists, and to understand the principles of combining colors.

A successful mixture of home decorating patterns, colors, and textures will result in a balanced and beautiful room; the kind of room that makes you feels comfortable the moment you enter it. You must first look at the home decorating pattern and texture that are imbedded in the architecture of the room; the pattern in the grain of a wood floor, for example, or the texture of plaster walls, and the sheen of a marble countertop.

It's always best to plan ahead, before you actually begin a home decorating project, whether large or small, it's a good idea to understand what is involved and to think about how it will be accomplished. Home decorating can start anywhere, with the given advice to spruce up a room; you can fall in love with a new color, or by adding a piece of furniture. But remember to think through the process of your home decorating project before you paint a wall or buy any furniture.

Walls are the largest surface area in any room, and the wall treatment you choose can enhance your home decorating choices in a way that no other single home decorating element will. Before you begin, think about the basic of the room; the quality of the light, the size of the room, and any architectural features you may want to highlight or downplay, and, of course, the furniture and fabrics you plan to use in the home decorating scheme.

You may or may not choose a particular home decorating style when you decorate your rooms, but you will certainly strive to create a stylish décor. When it's time to rearrange the furniture, you must decide whether to refresh the look with new upholstery, or do you want to put together an entirely new home decorating scheme for a room.

All well-designed rooms exemplify more than one home decorating principle because the principles work hand in hand. For example, a room is balanced in part because its home decorating elements vary in scale proportionally to their setting and there is a sense of rhythm. When each home decorating element is in place and in harmony with all the other elements, you experience the room as welcoming and livable. A successful home decorating scheme for any room is one that is designed around your personal taste and style.

10:44 AM
Buy Home Decor After You Envision Your Home's Character

Buy Home Decor After You Envision Your Home's Character

For the first nineteen years of my life I lived in the same town in my parents home. Whatever home decor there was interested me little, it was just there. Then I went to Italy for a year and lived with an Italian Duke and his family. They lived in a villa in Rome. There I noticed the home decor. The rooms were huge. The Duchess had a penchant for elaborate baroque wall mirrors. They were everywhere, with the rest of the home decor to match. Most days the gardener cut arms full of fresh flowers. I often helped to carry them because I liked to follow him around so that I could look at the classical art statue sculptures and fountains. They, and marble benches, strategically placed between the trees and flowers, were the garden decor. Since I liked to do it, it soon became my job to arrange the flowers in decorative vases. I had a free hand in placing them on tables, cabinets and plant stands. It wasn't exactly decorating, but it gave me a satisfying feeling to contribute something to those marvelous rooms.

After one year I moved to Paris, France. Not much scope for home decorating there. I lived in a tiny furnished room, where the home decor consisted of a narrow bed, a pine wood chair, a wardrobe and a wood cabinet with a washbowl. A bare light bulb hung from the ceiling. All I added was a decorative mirror, a reading lamp and a crystal vase, which I kept filled with fresh flowers from the market.

After that it was exciting to move into a house near Los Angeles, California, which I shared with my sister. Without much planning, we decided what we needed and went out to buy whatever appealed to us. As nice as the furniture had looked in the showroom, somehow, in that house it did not seem right. For one thing, it was much too massive and the colors clashed with the paint colors and window coverings. We did not have much time to stew over it since we both carried a full load of courses at the college and worked four hours after class and eight on Saturdays.
The day after I graduated, I got married and my wonderful husband and I moved into an apartment near his work. At first I had fun buying new furniture and making the place look nice, but soon I realized that apartment living was not for me. I missed wandering between the flowers and sitting on the garden bench under the open sky with that first cup of coffee,
As soon as our lease was up, we moved into a house on a steep hillside. We used the furniture we had, even though it looked out of place. Going around to flea markets and buying items without thinking whether they would fit in with what we had, did not help. At the same time my husband inherited his uncle's collectible knives, swords and sabers. They presented a real challenge for me. What was I to do with home decor like that?

Mother Nature soon took care of my dilemma. The house and most of what we owned was burned in the Bel Air fire. Of course I was very sad about the loss, yet I was excited.
Here was my chance to start all over again and this time I intended to make the home decor match the house.

We rented a bungalow with a slanting roof, dark, exposed beams and lots of windows. We moved in with just a few borrowed necessities and stacks of home decor magazines and books. As I saw pictures of things that appealed to me, I would sit in different corners of the empty room I wanted to furnish and envisioned imaginary items in place. It was a great method to decide on my selection. Lime green and lemon yellow were very much in fashion then and probably would have looked ghastly in any of the other dwellings we had had. But in that house, with the dark beams, dark oak flooring and big windows framed by citrus trees, I could envision that it would look nice. And it did. It was a delightful home.

A year later my husband decided to go back to college for his Masters Degree. We loaded what we could into our Volkswagen Bus, sold the rest of our belongings and headed for Austin, Texas, accompanied by two babies and a cat. Money was tight and home decor took a back seat to all else. Like so many student accommodations, ours had a lot of make-do furnishings. The bricks and boards book shelves, the milk crate and plywood tables and second hand sofas and beds. Our newborn slept in what used to be a packing box for toilet paper, nicely lined with colorful fabric. It didn't seem to matter. I devoted my time to my children. My husband devoted his time to his studies .

In less than twelve month he got his degree and was recommended by his professor to a company in Pasadena, California.

We found a lovely cottage style home. Once again I was absolutely thrilled to be able to start decorating from scratch, since we had brought nothing with us. I went through the routine of sitting in different corners of the empty rooms and envisioned what, of the things I had seen in magazines and home decor stores, would look good in that house. I settled on country cottage style home decor and in the end, of all the homes we had lived in, this one, still today, was the one we felt most comfortable and at home in.

Our bliss lasted for almost two years until my husband was transferred to Atlanta, Georgia. Fortunately the company let us fly there ahead of time to check the place out and I could see right away that in the colonial style homes we looked at, country cottage home decor would never do. My husband came to an agreement with his company, that instead of paying for the movers to transport our furniture, they would give him a lump sum.

With great pleasure I acquainted myself with colonial style home decor, sat in the empty rooms envisioning what to put where and in the end came up with a truly elegant period masterpiece. What a delight it was to entertain in that house.

I should have known that it would not last but must admit that I said yes faster than my husband when his boss offered him a job in Nepal.

We had no idea what to expect in that country. Things seemed primitive compared to what we were used to but we loved it. We found a rather grand looking house where the water pipes and electrical lines were all outside the walls. The fuse boxes were right by the entrance so that everybody could see that this house was modern enough to have such luxuries. The floors were naked cement and there was no heating. Sitting in corners of the empty rooms to envision them furnished did not do it here either, since there were no stores where one could just go and buy furniture. Simple beds, with hemp cords strung between the sides and badly made whicker chairs were all one could buy ready made.

Other expatriates advised us to get pictures of home decor we would like to have and take them to a carpenter who may or may not come up with something similar. We did and also found a place in the bazaar where we could order coir carpeting. It did not look like much but felt invigoratingly rough under bare feet. Dishes, cutlery and whatever else one needs in a home also were of ghastly quality, but it did not matter, nobody else had anything better, except for embassy staff, who got everything shipped in. Slowly the pieces of furniture we had ordered were delivered and little by little the place started to look like a home. Finally we could reciprocate for all the many invitations we had accepted from ex pats and local people alike. We might not have had the home decor we would have liked but since the electricity often failed anyhow, by candlelight it did look delightful. Besides, we had one of the best cooks in Katmandu and visitors told us that they would have come to eat his food, had the house been empty.

We were supposed to go back to the United States after my husband's contract was up but even before that, his boss wanted him to transfer to Madras, India. By good fortune we found
an almost new bungalow which had been build on stilts so as to not disturb the roots of a huge holy tree in front of it. The house was built in a square around a courtyard with a mango tree in the middle and all rooms had big glass double doors opening out to it. When I saw the place, I could immediately envision a garden theme and was glad to find fabrics with a lattice and bamboo design for the curtains and matching green upholstery for the sofas and chairs we had made. Even though it took many trips to the bazaar, and frequent reminders to the carpenters, eventually all the home decor complimented the garden feeling I had wanted to achieve. It was like living outdoors.

After that we moved fourteen more times, always to different countries, all over the world, without ever bringing any furnishings with us. Each time I went through the same process of sitting in the empty rooms, envisioning the results I wanted to achieve, then finding the right home decor. The results were always perfect for that particular house.

Few people move as much as we did. For them it is even more important, right at the beginning, to decorate their home to suit it's character. Having chosen what looks right then will still look right years later.

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